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July 2024

Framework Conditions

Regulatory framework

The regulatory framework for the digital transformation is taking shape with the implementation and development of rules directly aimed at the digital domain, particularly at ... Read more

European Digital Regulation

The European Union has established itself as a driver of global digital regulation. It is developing a large set of rules to steer the effects ... Read more


Digitalisation poses a new challenge to the right to privacy: the more personal data is digitally available and thus easily shareable, the more the fundamental ... Read more


The adoption of digital tools continues apace across the higher education and research sectors. The power of new technologies to solve specific problems is, largely, ... Read more


The advent of digitalisation has deeply changed the scholarly publishing sector by revolutionising the way research is disseminated, accessed and shared. It has led to ... Read more

Digital Sovereignty

Digital sovereignty for universities is an important topic and a priority for many institutions. The concept covers the aim of universities to retain control and ... Read more