Searched for: Change management

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The adoption of digital tools continues apace across the higher education and research sectors. The power of new technologies to solve specific problems is, largely, ... Read more

Digital services

A substantial part of the digital transformation of universities has been the digitalisation of services. This has often taken the shape of changing processes from ... Read more

Institutional Culture

Universities are complex organisms operating within ever-evolving ecosystems. Historically, institutional culture emerged organically at the intersection of a university’s history and its vision for the ... Read more


EUA’s flagship publication Universities without walls – a vision for 2030 found that strong leadership was among the key enabling factors for building open, autonomous ... Read more


Historically, higher education institutions have represented a (changing) set of values. The ever-evolving social, cultural and political contexts in which universities operate require continuous reflection ... Read more

Vision & strategy

Accelerated technological and societal developments are putting universities under pressure to innovate much faster and have impacted universities’ visions and strategies. Vision and strategy are ... Read more

Skills & support

Digital skills are the skills needed by the higher education community to study, work or carry out research in a fast-evolving digital world. Many digital ... Read more

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