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Regulatory framework

The regulatory framework for the digital transformation is taking shape with the implementation and development of rules directly aimed at the digital domain, particularly at ... Read more


Digitalisation poses a new challenge to the right to privacy: the more personal data is digitally available and thus easily shareable, the more the fundamental ... Read more


The advent of digitalisation has deeply changed the scholarly publishing sector by revolutionising the way research is disseminated, accessed and shared. It has led to ... Read more

Digital Sovereignty

Digital sovereignty for universities is an important topic and a priority for many institutions. The concept covers the aim of universities to retain control and ... Read more


The digitalisation of processes has the great advantage that information can flow easily between different systems and actors. However, information must be systematised in a ... Read more

Digital services

A substantial part of the digital transformation of universities has been the digitalisation of services. This has often taken the shape of changing processes from ... Read more

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is difficult to pin down. The OECD defines it as “a machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input ... Read more


Digital transformation entails several risks in terms of security. Digitalising processes entails the risk that systems can be attacked and rendered unusable by cyber-criminals; gathering ... Read more

Research data management

Research data management (RDM) refers to those practices aimed at organising, storing, documenting and preserving data that is generated and collected during the research data ... Read more

Skills & support

Digital skills are the skills needed by the higher education community to study, work or carry out research in a fast-evolving digital world. Many digital ... Read more

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